Get Ready for the Celebration of the Arts Luncheon!
Save the date for our 28th Annual Celebration of the Arts Luncheon, Wednesday, May 4, at 12:00pm, at the Seattle Westin.
This year’s luncheon will focus on the intersection of arts, technology and design, and feature keynote speaker Dr. John Maeda giving a talk titled “From STEM to STEAM: Revealing the importance of the arts and design in the digital age.” Maeda, a native Seattleite renowned for his work as a designer and technologist, is a longtime advocate of the national movement to transform STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) to STEAM (adding an “A” for art). Awards will be given to internationally acclaimed dancer, choreographer, and director Mark Morris, and the Nesholm Family Foundation for their significant support of the arts in our community. ArtsFund Trustee Scott Redman (Sellen Construction) will emcee the event.
Registration opens late March–keep an eye on your inbox for details!
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Premier Sponsors:
Official Airline of the 2016 Luncheon: Delta Air Lines