A Report to the Community

The arts are essential.

With expanded access to the arts in every region of Washington, communities become more livable, improving the quality of life for everyone. ArtsFund works to build a strong and resourced cultural sector by increasing access to leadership, advocacy, and grantmaking across Washington, increasing the impact of the arts for everyone.

In fiscal year 2024 ArtsFund recorded milestones across all pillars of our mission.

– We celebrated the 25th year of our Board Leadership Training program, doubling capacity and serving both acting and aspiring board leaders from across Washington State.

– We supported over 550 arts administrators directly through our convenings series. From scenario planning to capacity building campaigns, our trainings addressed topics top-of-mind for cultural workers.

– We released two white papers, “How are the Arts Being Funded Today?” and “What do Expenses Look Like Today? that provided timely data to decisionmakers in the field. These papers examine three years’ worth of data to illuminate trends like the increase in dependence on contributed revenue, and the increased cost of personnel since 2019. These papers also offer strategies on how to adapt to these changes to both arts organizations and funders.

– We made our largest investment in the arts and cultural nonprofit sector in our organization’s history by distributing $12.5 million dollars to 814 arts and cultural nonprofit arts organizations in 37 counties across Washington.

We are only able to do this work because of you. ArtsFund amplifies the voice of our community; without that community, our voice is silent. So whether you are reading this report as an artist, an administrator, a funder, or just a curious community member, we hope that you see yourself in our efforts.

In the pages ahead, we outline ArtsFund’s efforts to leverage our 55 years of experience to expand access to the arts. Through the dedication and leadership of our Board of Trustees, our Foundation Board, our staff, and those we serve – we are committed to our mission to support the arts through leadership, advocacy, and grantmaking in order to build a healthy, equitable, and creative Washington.

To see our work across 2024, use the secondary menu below the banner.