A Report to the Community

The need for a healthy arts and culture community is as important as ever and ArtsFund continues to leverage all aspects of our mission to support this critical resource. 

In fiscal year 2023, ArtsFund hosted six capacity building events for over 1,000 attendees ranging in topics from engaging new audiences with Colleen Dilenschneider of IMPACTS Experience, to a peer lead Cultural Partners Summit on Reworking Work Culture. We were part of a coalition that saw the passage of legislation that will bring tens of millions of dollars in much needed public sector funding to our communities. And we continued to provide direct financial support, having distributed over $12 million to 676 organizations in 35 out of 39 counties across our state. 

ArtsFund remains committed to the idea that arts and culture are tools for increasing community health, and we are investing our resources to reduce barriers to access and create better outcomes for everyone. 

These pages outline our efforts and build on 54 years of learning in the region. Under the continued leadership of our Board of Trustees, our Foundation Board, our staff, and the community we serve, I am proud to do my part to support our mission to support the arts through leadership, advocacy, and grantmaking in order to build a more healthy, equitable, and creative Washington. 

Browse using the secondary menu below the banner and thank you for your role in improving the quality of life for everyone through engagement with the arts. 

Michael Greer 
ArtsFund President and CEO 


Image of ArtsFund President & CEO, Michael Greer; Erin Hobson, ArtsFund Board Chair; Cindy Snyder, ArtsFund Board Chair-elect.