ArtsFund Distributes $2.2 Million In Keystone Grants To Regional Arts Community in Midst of Recovery
66 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in King and Pierce counties will receive operating support grants totaling $2,244,893 thanks to ArtsFund’s generous annual campaign donors. With this allocation, and including this week’s distribution of the Nonprofit Community Recovery grants, ArtsFund has awarded nearly $98 million to over 650 arts and cultural nonprofits since its founding in 1969.
Commerce and ArtsFund Award Nearly $11 Million in Pandemic Relief to Washington Nonprofits
ArtsFund, in partnership with The Washington State Department of Commerce, will begin distributing $10.78 million in recovery grants to 702 nonprofits in 34 counties throughout the state this week. The Nonprofit Community Relief (NCR) grant program announced on May 3, 2021 was designed to provide critical funding to nonprofit arts, cultural, science, and heritage organizations; neighborhood associations; sports and recreation nonprofit groups; and veterans service organizations impacted by the pandemic.
Nonprofit Community Recovery Grant Recipients
Over 700 organizations in 34 counties receive grants to assist recovery from impacts of COVID-19. View the complete list here.

Michael Greer | Public Funding for the Arts Works…Don’t Stop
Public sector support was key to seeing our sector through the worst of this pandemic, and it will be crucial in making sure that arts and culture is a part of the wider recovery.
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