Little Big Show #10
ArtsFund is the featured beneficiary of Little Big Show #10 on November 15, presented in partnership with Starbucks, KEXP and STG. 100% of ticket sales will be donated to ArtsFund, and will be used as matching funds for power2give.org/PugetSound projects that focus on youth engagement and education. Scroll down to learn more about Starbucks Hometown Commitment.

power2give/PugetSound One Year Anniversary Convening
power2give.org/PugetSound celebrated its one year anniversary with a convening & reception on Tuesday, September 30. Representatives from 35 arts groups gathered for a recap of our inaugural year, a celebration of the 1 year milestones (100 projects, 1650 donors, $420K raised), and a look towards continued growth in year 2.
Cultural Access WA Announces New Executive Director, Joy Langley
Cultural Access Washington announced the appointment of Joy Langley as Executive Director. Langley will join the organization this September to lead the legislative effort forward to provide unprecedented access to science, heritage and arts experiences across the state. She brings nearly 20 years of professional political campaign experience to Cultural Access Washington, and she is well-positioned to help lead the Coalition forward.
ArtsFund’s power2give.org/PugetSound Celebrates One Year Milestones
On the one-year anniversary of power2give.org/PugetSound, ArtsFund’s regional arts crowdfunding platform, ArtsFund announces the initiative’s twelve month milestones:
• $420,662 raised for arts and cultural projects
• Site visits from 16,500 unique viewers
• Contributions from 1650 donors
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